NORFOLK TERRIER (AKC Terrier Group) Height: 9 to 10 inches. Weight: 11 to 12 pounds. Size: Very Small. Availability: May take some effort to find. History: The Norwich and Norfolk Terriers started out as one breed, but were officially separated in England in 1964. The AKC followed suit in 1979. The Norwich has prick ears and the Norfolk, dropped ears. The breeds were originally developed in England as small ratting dogs. Later they were also used to bolt foxes that had gone to ground during a fox hunt so the horses and hounds could resume the chase. This small terrier could get in and out of narrow burrows quite easily. As they were bred to hunt in packs, the Norfolk and Norwich Terriers tend to be more sociable than many other terriers. Today the Norfolk Terrier serves primarily as a companion dog, but he can still take care of vermin. Description: A short-legged terrier with a harsh, wiry, straight coat and rounded drop ears. The body is sturdy and stocky, slightly longer than tall, with a level topline. The skull is broad and slightly rounded, with the muzzle tapering in a wedge-shape. The large teeth should form a scissors bite. The small ears are dropped, folding forward, with slightly rounded tips. The small oval eyes are dark, surrounded by black eye rims and the nose is black. The tail is docked, but should be left long enough to make a balanced outline. It is set high and carried straight. The feet are rounded, with thick pads. The weather-resistant double coat comes in many shades of wheaten, red, black-and-tan and grizzle. Dark points are permitted, but white markings are not desirable. Longer hair on the neck and chest forms a mane. Notes: A very healthy breed. Will dig and/or bark if left outside for long periods of time with nothing to occupy his quick mind. Loves toys and balls. Can be difficult to housebreak. Don't let off lead except in a secure area. Can jog for short distances. Personality: Alert and devoted. Feisty. Charming and loving. Outgoing and brave, assertive but not aggressive. Some are one-person dogs; all want to be included in family life and activities. Training for the Norfolk is no different than for the Norwich. Both need consistent rules and basic obedience training. Socialize well with other breeds as a puppy to avoid tendency to timidity. Behavior: Children: Good with children. Friendliness: Loves everyone. Trainability: Easy to train. Independence: Very independent. Dominance: Low. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Not generally dog-aggressive. Noise: Likes to bark. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: Skilled trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Medium coat. Shedding: Very light. Docking: The tail is customarily docked. Exercise: Moderate exercise needed. Jogging: Small, but a pretty good jogging companion. Indoors: Fairly active indoors. Apartments: Will be OK in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. Outdoor Space: Does all right without a yard. Climate: Does well in most climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Moderately long lived (12 to 15 years). Talents: hunting, tracking, watchdog, and agility. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: NORFOLK TERRIER Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.